Curriculum overview
Curriculum overview
At Bewick Bridge Community Primary School, we aim for excellence by providing our children with a wide-ranging and high-quality education. Our aspiration is that children become highly literate and numerate students who engage with a broad and balanced range of subjects and interests and who fully involve themselves in the learning process. In order to do so, we follow, the Specialist Pathway (SP) currciulum.
At Bewick Bridge Community Primary School, we aim for excellence by providing our children with a wide-ranging and high-quality education. Our aspiration is that children become highly literate and numerate students who engage with a broad and balanced range of subjects and interests and who fully involve themselves in the learning process. In order to do so, we follow, the Specialist Pathway (SP) currciulum.
Specialist Pathway Curriculum
Specialist Pathway Curriculum
The SP curriculum is a bespoke approach created to support the teaching and learning of Science and foundation subjects at Bewick Bridge. It is an amalgamation of the pastoral structure of primary education and the subject specialist teaching model of middle or secondary schools.
The SP curriculum is a bespoke approach created to support the teaching and learning of Science and foundation subjects at Bewick Bridge. It is an amalgamation of the pastoral structure of primary education and the subject specialist teaching model of middle or secondary schools.
At Bewick Bridge, the SP curriculum takes place on Tuesday-Friday afternoons for two hours. The rest of the week is with class teachers as usual. During SP time, children are taught Science and foundation subjects by teachers who specialise in these subjects, either because they are passionate about these subjects or because they have a background in studying these subjects.
At Bewick Bridge, the SP curriculum takes place on Tuesday-Friday afternoons for two hours. The rest of the week is with class teachers as usual. During SP time, children are taught Science and foundation subjects by teachers who specialise in these subjects, either because they are passionate about these subjects or because they have a background in studying these subjects.
Aims of the SP curriculum
Aims of the SP curriculum
A high-quality curriculum that is unique to Bewick Bridge pupils taught by staff with passion and excellent subject knowledge in each subject.
A high-quality curriculum that is unique to Bewick Bridge pupils taught by staff with passion and excellent subject knowledge in each subject.
Skills and knowledge progression from EYFS to Year 6 will be cohesive to minimise the impact of transition. Differentiation within the subject area will be planned effectively with consideration of the learning journey of each pupil.
Skills and knowledge progression from EYFS to Year 6 will be cohesive to minimise the impact of transition. Differentiation within the subject area will be planned effectively with consideration of the learning journey of each pupil.
The SP approach will set high aspirations for our curriculum with specialists who have the subject knowledge to take learning to a greater depth.
The SP approach will set high aspirations for our curriculum with specialists who have the subject knowledge to take learning to a greater depth.
An enhanced specialist learning experience for all pupils whilst maintaining the current pastoral set up within each year group.
An enhanced specialist learning experience for all pupils whilst maintaining the current pastoral set up within each year group.
The SP approach will also provide an opportunity for pupils to develop close working relationships with different members of staff in school and staff will in turn understand the interests and needs of pupils across the school.
The SP approach will also provide an opportunity for pupils to develop close working relationships with different members of staff in school and staff will in turn understand the interests and needs of pupils across the school.
Bewick Bridge is a community school. The SP approach fosters a sense of community.
Bewick Bridge is a community school. The SP approach fosters a sense of community.
Curriculum rationale
Curriculum rationale
Curriculum design rationale (final).pdf
Whole School Curriculum Overview
Whole School Curriculum Overview
To give you as much information as possible to help you support your child, the curriculum plan shows what each year group will be covering in each subject throughout the year. This, in conjunction with regular curriculum updates, weekly school newsletters and class webpages, will help you to know what and how learning is happening for your child at Bewick Bridge. Click the link below to view the whole school curriculum overview.
To give you as much information as possible to help you support your child, the curriculum plan shows what each year group will be covering in each subject throughout the year. This, in conjunction with regular curriculum updates, weekly school newsletters and class webpages, will help you to know what and how learning is happening for your child at Bewick Bridge. Click the link below to view the whole school curriculum overview.
Whole School Curriculum Overview 2024-2025.pdf