SEND & Inclusion
Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
Aims and Objectives
At Bewick Bridge we are committed to meeting the educational needs of all our pupils and place emphasis on raising the achievement of all children.
In the academic year 2024-25 4.6% of our children have an Education, Health & Care Plan and 10.0% of our children are on the SEND support register.
Some pupils will, permanently or from time to time, have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of their age. Some may have disabilities, which prevent or hinder them from making use of the facilities provided for our pupils. We will give these pupils individual consideration and make reasonable adjustments, working in partnership with home, school or other agencies as necessary.
The governors' intention is that the needs of all pupils, including those with SEND, are met as soon as possible after entry to the school. All pupils, whether they have SEND or not, must have an equal opportunity to participate in the broad and balanced curriculum of the school (including the National Curriculum) and all activities. Pupils with SEND will be encouraged to become independent and take responsibility within the school.
Everyone in the school community, governors, staff, pupils and parents, have a positive and active part to play in achieving this aim:-
Governors – by fulfilling their statutory duty to pupils with special educational needs, by establishing a policy which has regard to the Code of Practice on the identification and assessment of special educational needs. There is a named Governor for Special Educational Needs within the school.
Staff – by acting on the principle that every member of staff is directly responsible for meeting the needs of all pupils, by working in partnership with the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo), pupils, parents and other agencies and by participating in appropriate training.
Pupils – by having their wishes about their own needs regularly sought, carefully considered and by being involved in the planning for their education and by all pupils treating their peers with respect.
Parents – through consultation, communication and by working in partnership with the school and external agencies to help meet their child’s needs.
Bewick Bridge uses the Graduated Response approach to provide help for pupils with special educational needs as stated by the Code of Practice (2014).
Our Special Needs Co-ordinator is Kim Gregory.
For more information, please see the report below.
For more information about Cambridgeshire's local offer please visit:
Other useful contacts:
Parent Partnership: providing SEND Information, Advice and Support (SENDIASS)
Email -
Confidential helpline open during term times: 01223 699 214
Outside of term time please leave a message as a small number of staff are available to answer queries but it will take time for them to respond to your enquiry.
Pinpoint - Helping Cambridgeshire parents who have children with additional needs and disabilities. Pinpoint Cambridgeshire is run for parents – by parents.
Tel: 01480 877333
As part of our SEND provision at Bewick Bridge Primary School we are now able to offer a Nurture Group. Our group is called The Nest.
The Nest - a place where children have the opportunity to grow in confidence and become engaged and successful learners in their school.
What is the purpose of a Nurture Group ?
The Nurture Group is a small class of up to 12 pupils. Children are supported in this group to raise their emotional well being, self esteem and have a sense of belonging to the school community. We provide a structured routine with clear boundaries so the children feel safe and secure. The Nurture Group is very much a place of learning.
We follow the six principles of Nurture:
Children’s learning is understood developmentally
The classroom/school offers a safe base
Nurture is important for the development of self esteem
Language is understood as a vital means of communication
All behaviour is communication
Transitions are significant in the lives of children
Reasons Children Might Attend a Nurture Group
Low self esteem
Find it hard to listen to others or join in
Family illness or break up
Find it hard to share and take turns or lose a game
Find it hard to settle in class
Friendship difficulties - keeping/making friends
Quiet, shy, withdrawn
A teacher might identify a child with any of the above needs. A discussion would take place with the school SENCO and Nurture Staff. A Boxall Profile will be completed to identify possible areas of which a child may need support. If it is felt the child would benefit from a Nurture Group environment the class teacher will discuss this with parents/carers, they will then be given the opportunity to accept a place for their child to attend The Nest.