
Modern Foreign Languages

Modern Foreign Language (MFL) / French at Bewick Bridge

At Bewick Bridge Community Primary School, we believe that the learning of foreign languages provides a valuable educational, social and cultural experience for our pupils. It helps them develop communication skills including key skills of speaking, listening, writing and reading and extends their knowledge of how language works. Learning another language gives children a new perspective on the world, encouraging them to understand their own cultures and those of others.

MFL at Bewick Bridge is delivered through the use of the Primary Languages scheme of work to support the teaching and learning of French. This scheme provides a clear progression for the development of speaking, listening, reading and writing skills as well as vocabulary acquisition. Teachers use the videos, units, lessons and resources provided by this scheme of work to support the teaching and learning of MFL. The French units are delivered in weekly 30-minute sessions in Key Stage 2 with a final assessment at the end of each unit. Children and teachers are encouraged to use words and phrases outside MFL sessions, where possible, to support the language acquisition.

MFL is assessed using end of unit assessment tasks based on the taught units which evaluate reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. In addition to this, self-assessment clouds and teacher assessment are also used to constitute an accurate assessment. Children’s attainment is recorded and analysed termly in order to track progression and provide intervention where appropriate. Further information regarding assessment of impact is available in the Assessment Guidance. 

French overview

Copy of MFL subject overview 24/25
Copy of MFL Knowledge progression 24/25

Knowledge progression

Copy of MFL Skills progression 24/25

Skills progression

Copy of MFL Vocabulary progression 24/25

Vocabulary progression