Willows (Reception)

Welcome to Willows Class page!

Class teacher: Mrs Fairless


TAs: Mrs Sapsford, Miss Douglas, Mr Collett

Summer 2 - Overland and Underwater!

This half term, in Reception our topic will be, ‘Overland, Underwater’. During our topic, we will be looking at and comparing countries and the different ways to travel to different places using maps and atlases. We will be learning to understand and describe how things such as environments around us change over time. We will look at places that are special to us including places of worship. In Art, we will be exploring Aboriginal art and painting landscape pictures. In DT we will be learning about structures and exploring waterproof materials in order to design and make our own boats. 


In Literacy, we will be participating in small group, class and one-to-one discussions, offering our own ideas, using new vocabulary and offering explanations for why things might happen.  Our key text during our Talk for Writing sessions will be ‘I Wanna Iguana’.  We will look at how the character tries to persuade his mum to have a pet. We will explore the features of a letter and then get to write our own versions using the features we have learnt. The children will be working hard on letter formation and writing simple sentences with full stops and capital letters.


In Maths, we will be looking at doubling, sharing and grouping. This will include exploring doubles using real objects and pictorial representations of matching groups. The children will be learning how to share objects into equal groups. Near the end of the term we will move on to look at problem solving and deepening their understanding of patterns and relationships. The children will also be consolidating and practising their understanding of comparing and ordering quantities. 

Here is the key knowledge that the children will be learning this half term in the provision and class sessions:










Some statements will be repeated later in the year to consolidate and embed their learning, using the knowledge in different contexts. 

White Rose Maths

A yearly overview

Talk for Writing

I Wanna Iguana

Our Talk for Writing text this half term will be 'I Wanna Iguana'. During our talk for writing session we will learn to retell our story using actions and with the support of our class story map. Next, we will create a class version togther, changing soem of the characters. Finally, we will create our own stories using our phonics to write sentences.  

Home Learning

We believe that parents and schools should work in partnership to provide children with the best possible chance to achieve their potential. We will be posting 'wow' moments on Tapestry to share some of their learning  with you and we would encourage you to share their learning from home, on Tapestry,  too. 

Please try to...

Autumn 1 KIRFs Reception.pdf
Autumn 2 EYFS Kirfs.pdf
EYFS Spring 1 KIRFs.pdf
Spring 2 EYFS.pdf
Bewick Bridge KIRFS reception Summer 1.pdf

Meet the teacher presentation

Meet the teacher reception 2022_23.pdf


Please could you ensure your child brings in a water bottle to school everyday so that they stay hydrated.

PE kits should be brought into school on a Monday and go home on a Friday. Our usual PE day will be Wednesday with Miss Plater.

Bring in  waterproofs and wellies to school so that we can use the forest area and wild garden area frequently. These can be left at school throughout the term. 

During periods of hot weather please provide your child with a sun hat and apply suncream before coming to school. If you would like more suncream to be applied at lunchtime please provide a named bottle of suncream.