Willows (Reception)
Welcome to Willows Class page!
Spring 1 - To Infinity and Beyond!
This half term, in Reception our topic will be, ‘To Infinity and Beyond’. During our topic, we will be learning about different modes of transport, travel and space. Some of the key things we will be learning about are:
● Seasons, light and materials
● Where they have been and how they got there
● Old and new types of transport
● Looking at maps and atlases and discussing ways to travel to different places
● Different countries - focus on Egypt and Italy.
● Using ipads to create space pictures
Literacy and Phonics
In phonics, we will be consolidating our learning of set 1 sounds and some of us will start to move on to learning set 2 sounds. We will be working hard on learning to blend and applying all of the set 1/2 sounds we have learnt into our reading and spelling words using our Fred talk and Fred fingers. In English, we will spend time engaging in stories, joining in with repeated phrases and actions and extending our conversations about stories, by learning and using new vocabulary. Our key text during our Talk for Writing sessions will be ‘The Three Little Pigs'.
In Maths, we will be covering the following units; Shapes with 4 sides, Alive in 5 and Growing 6, 7 and 8. This will include looking at and comparing 4 sided shapes, subitising, representing, composition, doubling, combining groups and conceptual subitising with numbers 0-8. We will also be exploring and comparing mass, capacity, length, time and height.
Daily Timetable
This is a typical week timetable for Reception. Please, be aware this is subject to change.
Key Knowledge
Here is the key knowledge that the children will be learning this half term in the provision and class sessions:
Space is full of different colours and shapes.
Planets look like circles in pictures.
Rockets travel through space.
To name the parts of the rocket they have built. Eg window, fire, engine, door
Know and talk about the different factors that support their overall health and wellbeing: healthy eating.
Manage their own basic hygiene and personal needs, including…understanding the importance of healthy food choices
Bricks are heavy and strong.
Stone is heavy, strong, hard and rough.
Wood can be heavy or light, is usually strong, hard and can be smooth or rough.
Paper is light and weak.
Plastic can be heavy or light and strong or weak.
Glass is usually light, strong but fragile, smooth and usually see-through.
Metal can be heavy or light, strong, shiny, smooth and hard.
Fabric is flexible and can be different colours or textures.
Transport has changed over time.
Things may have differed in the past to how we do or see them now.
Begin to comment on images of familiar situations from the past.
Places can be compared by weather, how they get to school, what they eat, where they live etc.
A map is a picture of a place. Open spaces, buildings, roads, rivers and other simple features.
An atlas shows you different countries in the world.
Technology can be used to create media. Eg. art, music, photos, videos.
To know that it is important to help, listen and support others when working as a team.
To know that we share toys so that everyone feels involved and no one feels left out or upset.
To know that we have rules to keep everything fair, safe and enjoyable for everyone.
To recognise that people have different beliefs and celebrate special times in different ways.
To recognise some similarities and differences between life in this country and life in other countries.
To talk about Chinese New Year.
Some statements will be repeated later in the year to consolidate and embed their learning, using the knowledge in different contexts.
White Rose Maths
A yearly overview
Talk for Writing
The Three Little Pigs
Our Talk for Writing text this half term will be 'The Three Little Pigs'. During our talk for writing session we will learn to retell our story using actions and with the support of our class story map. Next, we will create a class version togther, changing some of the characters. Finally, we will create our own stories, drawing pictures and writing captions or short sentences.
Home Learning
We believe that parents and schools should work in partnership to provide children with the best possible chance to achieve their potential. We will be posting 'wow' moments on Tapestry to share some of their learning with you and we would encourage you to share their learning from home, on Tapestry, too.
Please try to...
Read with your child everyday at home, or share a story together to ensure your child is being exposed to reading frequently. School books are expected to be brought to school each day
Try the suggested maths, topic or literacy related activities suggested in the weekly memo on Tapestry
Practise the handwriting and fine motor sheets sent home
Practise the KIRFs (Key Instant recall Facts) sent home half termly
Please could you ensure your child brings in a water bottle to school everyday so that they stay hydrated.
Book bags should be brought in everyday. Our library day will be on a Wednesday. We will not be able to issue your child a new book from the library until they have returned their previous one.
PE kits should be brought into school on a Monday and go home on a Friday. Our usual PE day will be on a Wednesday.
Please bring in waterproofs and wellies to school so that we can use the forest area and wild garden area frequently. These can be left at school throughout the term.
During periods of hot weather please provide your child with a sun hat and apply suncream before coming to school. If you would like more suncream to be applied at lunchtime please provide a named bottle of suncream.
Meet the Teacher