Hawthorns (Year 3)
Welcome to Hawthorns class page!
Class teacher: Miss Nielsen-Scott
TAs: Miss Liu, Mrs Khoshaba, and Miss Hooks

SP Curriculum
Year 3 Spring Term
In this section, you will find a brief summary of what children will be learning in each subject in the SP Curriculum this term. In addition to this, you will find the key knowledge the children should know for each unit. It would be helpful if you could discuss your child's learning with them in each subject area.
Statement: In the first half term we will be studying the work of Frank Bowling. We will be using his techniques and the theme volcanoes for inspiration as we experiment with different painting techniques.
Next half term we will be studying Egyption art/portraits and developing our drawing skills and claywork.
Knowledge: Frank Bowling was born in British Guiana in 1934. He arrived in London in 1953, graduating from the Royal College of Art with the silver medal for painting in 1962. By the early 1960s, he was recognised as an original force in London’s art scene with a style combining figurative and abstract elements in large paintings. He spends his time working in his studios in both London and New York.
Narrative art depicts a story. Greek and Roman artists painted myths and important events on vases.
Sir Grayson Perry CBE RA (born 1960) is an English contemporary artist, He is known for his ceramic vases, tapestries. Perry's vases have classical forms and are decorated in bright colours, depicting narratives that are often autobiographical.
Statement: In the first half term we will be learning about how climate affects food growth and understand the advantages of eating seasonal foods grown in the UK. We will create a recipe that is healthy and nutritious using seasonal vegetables as well as taste and evaluate different tarts. In the second part of the term we will understand the impact of the digital revolution in the world of (D&T) product design as well as write a program to initiate a flashing LED panel after button press and/or automatically initiate using the Micro:bit light sensing, as part of an ECharm. We will then go on to create and decorate a foam pouch for the ECharm, using a template as well as an explanation text on what we have done in the whole unit.
I know that not all fruits and vegetables can be grown in the UK.
I know that each country has its own climate.
I know that imported food will have traveled from far away and has an impact on the environment.
I know that vegetables and fruit grow in certain seasons and that in the UK we often import food from other countries when it is not in season.
I know how to identify some key product developments that occurred as the result of the digital revolution.
I know how to explain the basic functionality of my E charm program.
I know how to develop and design ideas for a technology pouch.
Statement: The topic for geography this half term is volcanoes. For the first half of this half term, children will be learning to identify and explain the function of the different layers of the Earth. They will use this learning to support their understanding of the physical processes that underpin the formation of a volcano and explain how earthquakes occur. Additionally, they will develop their knowledge of volcanoes by becoming familiar with the different parts of a volcano. They will expand upon their knowledge of volcanoes by locating significant volcanoes and explaining why they are important.
The Earth is made of four different layers. The inner core is made mostly of hot, solid iron and nickel, and the outer core is made of liquid iron and nickel. The mantle is made of solid rock and molten rock called magma. The crust is a thin layer of solid rock that is broken into large pieces called tectonic plates. These pieces move very slowly across the mantle.
A volcano is an opening in the Earth’s surface from which gas, hot magma and ash can escape. They are usually found at meeting points of the Earth's tectonic plates. When a volcano erupts, liquid magma collects in an underground magma chamber. The magma pushes through a crack called a vent and bursts out onto the Earth’s surface. Lava, hot ash and mudslides from volcanic eruptions can cause severe damage.
Volcanic eruptions and earthquakes happen when two tectonic plates push into each other, pull apart from one another or slide alongside each other. The centre of an earthquake is called the epicentre.
Significant volcanoes include Mount Vesuvius in Italy, Laki in Iceland and Krakatoa in Indonesia. Significant earthquake-prone areas include the San Andreas Fault in North America and the Ring of Fire, which runs around the edge of the Pacific Ocean and is where many plate boundaries in the Earth's crust converge. Over three-quarters of the world’s earthquakes and volcanic eruptions happen along the Ring of Fire.
Primary data includes information gathered by observation and investigation. Gather evidence to answer a geographical question or enquiry. The term geographical evidence relates to facts, information and numerical data.
Statement: In the first half-term, we will be studying flowering plants, learning about the parts of the plant, how they transport water throughout their body, how they photosynthesise, and how they reproduce. In the second half-term, we will study animals and their diets.
Roots collect water and minerals, as well as holding the plant in the ground
Stem holds up leaves and flower as well as transporting water and minerals
Leaves make food by trapping light, using its energy to turn carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates
Sunlight: All plants need light from the sun to grow well. Some plants need lots of sunlight. Some plants only need a little sunlight.
Water: All plants need water to grow. Without water, seeds and bulbs will not germinate.
Temperature: Temperature is how warm or cold something or somewhere is. Some plants like cooler temperatures and some like warmer temperatures.
Nutrition: Food or nourishment. Plants make their own food in their leaves using sunlight.
Room to grow
Different plants vary in how much of these things they need. For example, cacti can survive in areas with little water, whereas water lilies need to live in water.
Rain falls on the ground and sinks into the soil
The roots absorb water from the soil
The stem carries the water to the rest of the plant
Germination: The seed starts to grow
Growing and Flowering: The plant grows bigger and forms a flower.
Pollination: Pollen from the anther lands on the stigma and travels down the style.
Fertilisation and Seed Formation: The pollen joins with an ovule and a seed starts to form.
Seed Dispersal: The fully formed seeds are moved away from the parent plant.
Living things need food to grow and to be strong and healthy.
Plants can make their own food, but animals cannot.
To stay healthy, humans need to exercise, eat a healthy diet and be hygienic.
Animals, including humans, need food, water and air to stay alive.
Carbohydrates: provide energy
Proteins: helps growth and repair
Fibres:helps you to digest the food that you have eaten
Fats: provide energy
Vitamins: keep you healthy
Minerals: keep you healthy
Water: moves nutrients around your body and helps to get rid of waste
In the dance unit, pupils will create dances in relation to an idea including historical and scientific stimuli. Pupils will work individually, with a partner and in small groups, sharing their ideas. Pupils will develop their use of counting and rhythm. Pupils also learn to use canon, unison, formation and levels in their dances.
In the net and wall games unit, pupils will develop the key skills required for tennis such as the ready position, racket control and hitting a ball. They will learn how to score points and how to use skills, simple strategies and tactics to outwit the opposition.
Dance unit:
Actions: understand that sharing ideas with others enables my group to work collaboratively and try ideas before deciding on the best actions for our dance.
Dynamics: understand that all actions can be performed differently to help to show effect.
Space: understand that I can use space to help my dance to flow.
Relationships: understand that 'formation' means the same in dance as in other activities such as football, rugby and gymnastics.
Performance: understand that I can use timing techniques such as canon and unison to create the effect.
Strategy: know that if I show sensitivity to the music, my performance will look more complete
Net and wall games
Shots: know that pointing the racket face/my hand where I want the ball to go and turning my body will help me to hit accurately.
Rallying: know that hitting towards my partner will help them to return the ball easier and keep the rally going.
Footwork: know that moving to the middle of my court will enable me to cover the most space.
Tactics: know that using simple tactics will help to achieve an outcome e.g. if we spread out, we can cover more space.
Rules: know the rules of the game and begin to apply them.
In the first part of the term, pupils will be thinking about the question ‘Is scripture central to religion?’ The children will examine key beliefs about scripture from the Torah, Qur’an and Hadith, They will recognise and explain similarities and differences between Jewish and Christian scripture and to explore the ways some Christians view and use the Bible. They will discuss the similarities and differences between scripture considered by some to be the word of God and human interpretations or commentary. Finally the children will Identify similarities within and between worldviews in the way scripture is viewed and used, including in places of worship. In the second part of the term, the children will be learning about the question ‘What happens if we do wrong?’
That some people believe connection with God to be a spiritual experience.
That religious and non-religious people have ideas about the relationship between God and humans.
That the way scriptures are used and treated reflects beliefs about their importance.
That prayer, meditation and rituals are used to connect spiritually.
That worship can take many forms and often involves symbolism.
That the teachings of a religious or non-religious worldview often link with a follower’s life choices.
To know that all communities have rules and guidance for how to live together.
Statement: In the first part of the term, pupils will be covering the unit desktop publishing. They will become familiar with the terms ‘text’ and ‘images’ and understand that they can be used to communicate messages. They will use desktop publishing software and consider careful choices of font size, colour and type to edit and improve premade documents. Pupils will be introduced to the terms ‘templates’, ‘orientation’, and ‘placeholders’ and begin to understand how these can support them in making their own template for a magazine front cover. They will start to add text and images to create their own pieces of work using desktop publishing software.
In the second part of the term, pupils will explore the concept of sequencing in programming through Scratch. We will start with an introduction to the programming environment, which will be new to most pupils. They will be introduced to a selection of motion, sound, and event blocks which they will use to create their own programs, featuring sequences. In their final project pupils will make a representation of a piano.
Knowledge Desktop Publishing:
Know the benefits of using a Desktop Publishing application
Different font styles and effects are used for particular purposes
Desktop Publishing pages can be structured with placeholders
Different layouts can suit different purposes
Landscape and portrait are two different page orientations
Text and images can be used together to convey information
Knowledge Programming:
Different sequences can achieve different or the same output
The order of commands can affect a program’s output
The sequence of a program is a process
Know what a sequence is
A programme includes a sequence of commands
Programs start because of an input
Statement: In history this term the children will be focusing on Ancient Egypt. We will be focusing on key achievements of the Ancient Egyptians such as the significance of the River Nile, scientific knowledge, the Pyramids, the afterlife and significant individuals such as archeologists who have discovered key facts about Cleopatra and Tutankhamun.
Knowledge: Ancient Egyptian civilization spans 3000 years of recorded history, from around 3000 BC to 30 BC.
Nile was essential in Egypt for
transport: the Nile was the highway of the kingdom
food: fish and water-fowl
papyrus reeds: used to make paper, baskets, boats, sandals.
Tutankhamun was born in a 1341 BC tomb in the Valley of the King. Died when only 19 years old. Tomb was discovered by Howard Carter, a British archaeologist, in 1922. Harry Burton photographed the discoveries.
Cleopatra - born 69 BC Died 30 BC last of the Ptolemies. (ancestors of Alexander the Great) Initially ruled with her brother but he tried to take over from the Romans. Caesar and helped her become sole leader. Has a child with Caesar. First of the Ptolemy rulers to speak Egyptian.
6000 BCE
Nile River Valley first inhabited
4000 BCE
Depictions of gods and afterlife on walls of egyptian tombs
3100- 2950 BCE
Hieroglyphics are first used
2950-2575 BCE
First Egyptian Pyramid is built
2575-2150 BCE
The Great Pyramids are built in Giza
1539 - 1075 BCE
‘The Great Pharaohs’ ruled
332 BCE
Alexander the Great (Greek ruler) conquers Egypt
196 BCE
The Rosetta Stone is carved - the key to translating hieroglyphics
30 BCE
The Roman Empire conquers Egypt
In the first unit of this term - The Four Seasons - we will be learning to identify the musical style of Antonio Vivaldi, and developing an understanding of Programme Music. Will will be exploring sounds and creating our own piece of music inspired by The Four Seasons.
Lessons will start with a focus on singing.
After half term we will be learning the basics of ukulele technique and how to play in time with others. We will learn two chords and play 'Best Day of My Life', then add a third chord and play "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For'. We will learn to read graphic chord shapes, as used in all ukulele and guitar tuition.
Lessons will start with a focus on Musicianship and the development of musical literacy: reading rhythms from staff notation.
Knowledge (‘The Four Seasons’):
: Antonio Vivaldi was an Italian composer and violinist;
: He composed Programme Music: music to convey a specific image;
: The Four Seasons is a Solo Concerto, for solo violin and ensemble.
Knowledge (‘Ukuleles 1’):
: How to hold the ukulele and how to refer to the various parts;
: How to play the ‘C’, ‘F’ and ‘G’ chords;
: How to play alongside others whilst maintaining our own part.
This is a typical week timetable for Year 3. Please, be aware this is subject to change.
Maths For The Year
In English, we will be looking at writing a non-chronological report. We will be looking at using a range of writing features. We will study good examples and will apply what we find in our own texts. In the next unit, we will be focusing on writing a newspaper report. We will finish the Summer term off with Poetry and then a book study.
PE Kits: Our PE days are Wednesday and Thursday. Please ensure children come into school in their PE kit on Wednesday and Thursday.
Reading books: Please make sure your child has their reading books in school every day.
Water bottles: Please make sure your child has a water bottle in class every day.
Home Learning
We expect children to read daily. School books need to be brought into school each day.
Over the course of the week, we expect children to spend time learning their Year 3 and 4 common exceptions words, their times tables (using Times Tables Rockstars) and learning their Key Instant Recall Facts.

Recommended Home Reading
If you are looking for inspiration for books for your children, below is a list of books that are recommended for Year 3 children.
Year 3 Reading List:
The Street Beneath My Feet - Charlotte Guillain
The Abominables - Eva Ibbotson
Egypt Magnified - David Long and Harry Bloom
Meet the Ancient Romans - James Davies
This Moose Belongs to Me - Oliver Jeffers
The Pebble in my Pocket: A History of Our Earth - Meredith Hooper
The Nothing to see Here Hotel - Steven Butler and Steven Lenton
The 13 Story Treehouse - Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton
Mr Gum - Andy Stanton
The Boy Who Grew - Andy Shepherd
The Sheep Pig - Dick King-Smith
Who Are You Calling Weird?: A Celebration of Weird and Wonderful Animals - Marilyn Singer
Three Cheers for Women - Marcia Williams
The Watcher - Jeanette Winter
Arthur and the Golden Rope - Joe Todd Stanton
My Name is Not Refugee - Kate Milner
The Tin Forest - Helen Ward and Wayne Anderson
Journey to the Centre of My Brain - Macmillan Poetry
The Story Tree - Hugh Lupton
Hello World - Jonathan Litton
A World of Cities - James Brown and Lily Murray
A Street Through Time - Steve Noon