Hawthorns (Year 3)

Welcome to Hawthorns class page!

Class teacher: Mr Budhi


TAs: Miss Liu and Miss Hooks

SP Curriculum

 Year 3 Summer Term

In this section, you will find a brief summary of what children will be learning in each subject in the SP Curriculum this term. In addition to this, you will find the key knowledge the children should know for each unit. It would be helpful if you could discuss your child's learning with them in each subject area.


The first unit in our art lessons this term is Narrative Art. The children will create and decorate vases in the the contrasting styles of Ancient Greek art and the contemporary artist Grayson Perry. 

We will finish the term with a printing unit in which we will focus on the work of William Morris



In the first and second part of the term the children will be doing Structures: castles. They will be designing and making a castle using 3D shapes.

Knowledge - Castles:


For the first half term, the topic for Geography is ‘settlement.’Over the course of this half term, we  will be developing our understanding of place, human and physical geography and our fieldwork skills. We will investigate different types of settlement whilst considering the patterns of settlement in rural and urban areas. Later in the half term, we will understand the concept of trade and why different countries need to import and export certain goods. We will then proceed to compare Sulawesi, London and Sunderland.. By the end of the half term, we  will develop our fieldwork skills by consolidating their understanding of maps, geographical features and compass points before they are introduced to four figure grid references. 




This unit introduces the relationship between light, an object and the formation of shadows. We will observe the apparent movement of the Sun and the associated changes in shadows. Experimental and investigative work focuses on making and recording measurements and observations then drawing conclusions.

Work in this unit also offers opportunities to explain shadows using scientific knowledge and to recognise the hazards and risks in looking at the Sun. We will explain that shadows are formed when light from a source is blocked; recognise that shadows are similar in shape to the objects forming them; describe how a shadow from the Sun changes over the course of a day; make predictions about the shadows formed by different objects or materials and make careful observations and measurements of the shadows .

Forces and magnets

This unit gives children experience of forces, including attraction and repulsion between magnets. They learn that these forces have direction and can vary in size. They also learn which materials are attracted to magnets.

Work in this unit also offers many opportunities to relate science to everyday things eg magnets for toys and household appliances, and to discuss sorting materials for recycling. Children will recognise that a force acts in a particular direction; describe the direction of forces between magnets and classify materials as magnetic or non-magnetic and describe some uses of magnets. We will learn to decide how to test an idea, explaining how to make a simple test fair then identify patterns in results and use these to draw conclusions 



Forces and magnets


In the striking and fielding unit, we will learn how to score points by striking a ball into space and running around cones or bases. When fielding, we will learn how to play in different fielding roles. We will focus on developing our throwing, catching and batting skills. In all games activities, we will have to think about how we use skills, strategies and tactics to outwit the opposition

In the athletics unit, we will develop basic running, jumping and throwing techniques. We will be set challenges for distance and time that involve using different styles and combinations of running, jumping and throwing. As in all athletic activities, we will think about how to achieve our greatest possible speed, distance or accuracy and learn how to persevere to achieve our personal best.




In the first part of the term, we will learn about the question, ‘Why is water symbolic?’ The children will start the unit by exploring how water is important to life practically and symbolically and exploring where some prayers come from. They will then  understand the concept of purity in relation to water, and investigate water’s symbolism and role in various religious rituals. The children will then explore how water is considered precious in different cultures and religions, and finally investigate how water is connected to special places through poetry and images. In the second part of the term, the children will investigate the question, ‘Why is fire used ceremonially?’ 



In the first part of the term, learners will develop their understanding of what a branching database is and how to create one. They will gain an understanding of what attributes are and how to use them to sort groups of objects by using yes/no questions. The learners will create physical and on-screen branching databases. Finally, they will evaluate the effectiveness of branching databases and will decide what types of data should be presented as a branching database.

In the second part of the term, the children will explore the links between events and actions, while consolidating prior learning relating to sequencing. Learners begin by moving a sprite in four directions (up, down, left, and right). They then explore movement within the context of a maze, using design to choose an appropriately sized sprite. This unit also introduces programming extensions, through the use of Pen blocks. Learners are given the opportunity to draw lines with sprites and change the size and colour of lines. The unit concludes with learners designing and coding their own maze-tracing program.


Data and information – Branching databases

Programming B – Events and actions


The topic for history this term is ‘Glorious Greeks’. We will be learning about ancient Greek life, their achievements and their legacy. The children will ask questions and find answers about the past from a variety of sources considering aspects of change and cause. We will also explore primary and secondary sources to develop historical understanding. 



In the first half of this term we will be learning to use the Garageband app on iPads. We will input, edit and save our work; selecting and combining loops and textures to create specific moods. The second half of the summer term will be time to ‘Revise and review’, in which all skills developed over the year will be revisited and improved upon. Instrumental techniques always require a regular refreshing and strategies for developing creative compositions will be further advanced in this way.


Meet the teacher presentation.pdf

Maths For The Year


In our first English unit, we will be looking at writing a Science Fiction Narrative. We will be looking at using a range of writing features. We will study good examples and will apply what we find in our own texts. In our second unit, we will be focusing on Play Scripts. We will finish the Summer term off with Poetry and then a book study.


PE Kits: Our PE day is Thursday. Please ensure children come into school in their PE kit on a Thursday. 

Reading books: Please make sure your child has their reading books in school every day. 

Water bottles: Please make sure your child has a water bottle in class every day.

Home Learning

We expect children to read daily. School books need to be brought into school each day.

Over the course of the week, we expect children to spend time learning their Year 3 and 4 common exceptions words, their times tables (using Times Tables Rockstars) and learning their Key Instant Recall Facts.


Bewick Bridge KIRFs.pdf

Recommended Home Reading

If you are looking for inspiration for books for your children, below is a list of books that are recommended for Year 3 children.

Year 3 Reading List:

The Street Beneath My Feet - Charlotte Guillain 

The Abominables - Eva Ibbotson

Egypt Magnified - David Long and Harry Bloom

Meet the Ancient Romans - James Davies

This Moose Belongs to Me - Oliver Jeffers

The Pebble in my Pocket: A History of Our Earth - Meredith Hooper

The Nothing to see Here Hotel - Steven Butler and Steven Lenton

The 13 Story Treehouse - Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton

Mr Gum - Andy Stanton

The Boy Who Grew - Andy Shepherd

The Sheep Pig - Dick King-Smith

Who Are You Calling Weird?: A Celebration of Weird and Wonderful Animals - Marilyn Singer

Three Cheers for Women - Marcia Williams 

The Watcher - Jeanette Winter

Arthur and the Golden Rope - Joe Todd Stanton

My Name is Not Refugee - Kate Milner

The Tin Forest - Helen Ward and Wayne Anderson

Journey to the Centre of My Brain - Macmillan Poetry

The Story Tree - Hugh Lupton

Hello World - Jonathan Litton

A World of Cities - James Brown and Lily Murray

A Street Through Time - Steve Noon