Eco Council

We have started a new pupil voice group at Bewick Bridge, the Eco Council! We will be working together to make our school more environmentally friendly, and hopefully we will be awarded the Green Flag Award by Eco Schools for our hard work at the end of the year. 

Year 1 Year 2

                                                                                                                  Year 3 Year 4

Year 5 Year 6

This year, we have introduced leadership roles within the Eco-Council team. These include:

Chairperson: Vanessa (Year 6)

Deputy Chairperson: Ari (Year 5)

Secretary: Shrihaan (Year 4)

Eco Council (1).pdf


The Eco-Council are proud to have created lovely homes for birds and bats in our Forest School. It will be great to see them being used this year by a variety of nature.

The Big Plastic Count

What a fantastic week we have had as a community counting our plastic. The Eco-Council have been working hard with inserting the data into the system to find out the impact that the school community is having with single-use plastics. 

One common theme across the school is the use of food and drink with our plastic packaging waste that needs focusing on next year. 

Our Eco-Code - Written by members of the Eco-Council

Enjoy nature without polluting it

Come and reduce your plastic waste

Open your eyes to healthy living

Cooperate with animals, let's work together

Opt for being an eco-ambassador

Decrease unwanted water waste

Everyone be willing to make the school more eco-aware