Maples (Year 1)

Welcome to Maples Class

Class Teacher: Mrs Fang


Teaching Assistants: Mrs Woodruff and Mr Collett

Copy of Yr 1 Meet the teacher presentation .pptx

This is a typical week timetable for Year 1. Please, be aware this is subject to change.


This term we will write:

During these units we will be working hard on our handwriting and presentation and remembering all the things we need to include in our writing.

Maths this year!


For the first term in science, we will study animals including humans. We will identify and name a variety of common animals including, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals; identify and name a variety of common animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivore; describe and compare the structure of a variety of common animals (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds & mammals, including pets) and identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and say which part of the body is associated with each sense.


   Some common animals are:

We have 5  senses: sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell.


For the first half term, we will be exploring ‘The World Jigsaw’. We will be learning to name and locate the countries and capital cities within the UK. We will expand upon our locational knowledge by developing our atlas skills to locate the world’s seven continents and five oceans on a world map. Finally, we will identify hot and cold places within the world which will support our understanding of different climate zones. 


Locational Knowledge.


For the second part of the half term, learning will be focussed around the topic ‘All about me.’ Children will learn about changes within living memory. They will learn that life used to be different before considering changes that have occurred within their lifetime. 

In every unit of history children will be learning and utilising skills in: historical enquiry; historical interpretation; chronological understanding; knowledge and understanding of past events, people and changes in the past; and presenting, organising and communicating knowledge.



For the first part of the term we will start by looking at how we can keep safe online and what to do when we see something we are worried about. 

 In the second part of the term children will develop their understanding of technology and how it can help them in their everyday lives. They will start to become familiar with the different components of a computer by developing their keyboard and mouse skills. 



For the first term in RE, we will be thinking about how the world began from the perspectives of Christianity, Judaism, and Hinduism. We will discuss what is meant by creation, and be able to retell the main parts of the Christian and Jewish creation stories. Additionally, we will think about what the Hindu creation story tells some people about God. Having investigated these three creation accounts, we will make links between the Christian, Jewish and Hindu creation stories studied. Alongside explaining our ideas verbally and in writing, we will use art to express our ideas about how the world was created. 

For the second part of Autumn term, we will learn about what some people believe God looks like, and understand that different people have different beliefs about God’s form and appearance. We will recognise and explain how Christian, Muslim, and Hindu people refer to God, and identify and describe one representation of God from these religions. Finally, we will show respect for differences and similarities in how different religions represent God, and explain why people use different names for God across religions.



For the first half term and second half term our unit is Mechanisms/mechanical systems: wheels and axles. In this unit the children will be understanding how wheels move as well as being able to identify what stops a wheel from turning. They will go on to design a moving vehicle, understanding what makes a wheel and axle work. Finally, they will build a moving vehicle from recycled boxes and other resources provided based on their design.



During art lessons in the first half term the children will be learning how to draw and paint portraits. They will develop their basic drawing and painting skills focussing on control of their pencil and paintbrush as well as mixing primary colours to make secondary colours. We will be studying portraits by several artists but focusing on the work of Lubaina Hamid. In the second half term our textile project will enable the children to experience weaving and felt making. 



In this unit we will explore ways of using musical timbres and textures to illustrate a picture. We will listen to musical examples and use our vocabulary to discuss how musical images are created. 



PE Kits: PE lessons will take place on Tuesdays and Fridays afternoon. Please ensure your child comes to school dressed in their PE kits. We will have a mixture of indoor and outdoor PE lessons so please ensure your child's PE kit is appropriate for all weathers. 

Water bottles, and reading books should be in school everyday. 

Please ensure that all items (including lunch boxes, spare clothes and water bottles) are named as this will help us to know who they belong to and return them to their owners. In Year 1, children might have occasional toileting accidents, this is why we encourage you to put some spare clothes in your child’s bag. 

Home Learning

We expect children to read daily. School books need to be in school each day.

Over the course of the week, we expect children to spend time learning their weekly spellings (Year 1 common exception words and red words), and learn their Key Instant Recall Facts whist working on their home learning project.


Home learning will include:


Reading at home

We recognise the value of a partnership between home and school to support children in the development of their reading skills. Children who read regularly for 10-15 minutes at home will gain a great deal. Please encourage your child to read at least 5 times a week. 

Tips for reading with your child:

Bewick Bridge KIRFs.pdf

Maths at home

These are the KIRF(Key Instant Recall Facts) for year 1 this term. 

By the end of this term, children should know the following facts. The aim is for them to recall these facts instantly.


Suggested reading list:

Here is a list of books that you may want to read with your child.