Maples (Year 1)

Welcome to Maples Class

Class Teacher: Mrs Fang


Teaching Assistants: Mrs Woodruff and Mr Collett

Copy of Yr 1 Meet the teacher presentation .pptx

This is a typical week timetable for Year 1. Please, be aware this is subject to change.


This term we will write:

During these units we will be working hard on our handwriting and presentation and remembering all the things we need to include in our writing.

Maths this year!


In the first half term, children will identify and name a variety of common wild and garden plants, including deciduous and evergreen trees and identify and describe the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants, including trees. In the second half term, children will observe changes across the 4 seasons and observe and describe weather associated with the seasons and how day length varies.



In geography the children will be learning about physical and human features. They will learn how to identify these features in nature. Later on in the half term, children will develop their fieldwork skills and learn how to draw a simple map with accompanying symbols. Finally, children will consolidate  their positional and directional language to learn to describe a route. 



The topic for history is My High Street. Children will develop their ability to ask and answer questions through learning about the history of their local area.  Children will reflect on where they live, learn and describe key changes that have occurred in Cherry Hinton, including changes in their lifetime.



For the first part of the term, pupils will develop their understanding of a range of tools used for digital painting. They will use these tools to create their own digital paintings, while gaining inspiration from a range of artists’ work. 

For the second part of the term, pupils will learn early programming concepts. They will explore using individual commands, both with other pupils and as part of a computer program. They will identify what each floor robot command does and use that knowledge to start predicting the outcome of programs. Pupils will also be introduced to the early stages of program design through the introduction of algorithms. 

Knowledge Creating Media:

Knowledge Programming:


For the first part of the term, pupils will be exploring the question ‘What is God’s job?’ They will be identifying beliefs about special relationships with God from Jewish stories and through Jewish scripture. They will also think about what some Christians, Muslims, and Hindus believe about God. Finally the children will explore some Zoroastrian beliefs about God through their creation story. In the second part of the term, the pupils will be thinking about the question ‘Why should we care for the world?’ 



In DT the children will be learning about Structures this Spring term, learning that structures are things made and put together. The children will be creating windmills that they will work to make suitable for windy conditions. 



During art lessons in the first half term the children will develop their painting and printing skills as we produce work on the theme Japanese art. We will study work by both Hokusai and Yayoi Kusama  before using their work to influence our painting and printing work. 

In the second half term, children will develop their drawing skills using graphite, charcoal and pastel. We will be comparing art work by Elaine Allison and Eric Carle. We will then move on to develop cutting skills as we produce collages.


Hokussai and Yahya Kusama are both Japanese artists. Hokusai Japanese artist (1760 - 1849) created over 30,000 paintings. Painter and printmaker Most famous work “The Great Wave off Kanagawa” Yayoi Kusama is known as the Princess of Polka Dots. She is still working today though she is 94. She creates paintings and sculptures which are mostly covered in dots.

Sakura is Japanese for cherry blossom. Cherry blossom festival in Japan in the spring 

When painting we spread paint to create an image, when printing we transfer ink or paint and press to make an image

We can use careful looking to help our drawing, and use drawing to help looking.

We can use a variety of materials to make images, and that the images we make can become imaginative.

Flora are flowers and plants, fauna are animals. 

Eric Carle made collages to illustrate his books. His most famous book is  The Hungry Caterpillar. Elaine Allison is a botanic artist living and working in Cambridge. She creates detailed watercolour paintings of plants. 


In the first unit of this term - Animals - we will be listening and discussing The Flight of the Bumble Bee and Carnival of The Animals, and developing original music of our own using rhythms and textures inspired by images of animals. We will develop a class performance entitled Noah and the Animals!

After half term we will be studying Peter and the Wolf, Sergei Prokofiev’s  Symphonic Fairy Tale for children. We will be exploring the instruments of the orchestra and identifying how composers use these sounds and how they can be combined to great effect.


Knowledge (‘Animals’):

Knowledge (‘Peter and the Wolf’):


PE Kits: PE lessons will take place on Tuesdays and Fridays afternoon. Please ensure your child comes to school dressed in their PE kits. We will have a mixture of indoor and outdoor PE lessons so please ensure your child's PE kit is appropriate for all weathers. 

Water bottles, and reading books should be in school everyday. 

Please ensure that all items (including lunch boxes, spare clothes and water bottles) are named as this will help us to know who they belong to and return them to their owners. In Year 1, children might have occasional toileting accidents, this is why we encourage you to put some spare clothes in your child’s bag. 

Home Learning

We expect children to read daily. School books need to be in school each day.

Over the course of the week, we expect children to spend time learning their weekly spellings (Year 1 common exception words and red words), and learn their Key Instant Recall Facts whist working on their home learning project.


Home learning will include:


Reading at home

We recognise the value of a partnership between home and school to support children in the development of their reading skills. Children who read regularly for 10-15 minutes at home will gain a great deal. Please encourage your child to read at least 5 times a week. 

Tips for reading with your child:

Bewick Bridge KIRFs.pdf

Maths at home

These are the KIRF(Key Instant Recall Facts) for year 1 this term. 

By the end of this term, children should know the following facts. The aim is for them to recall these facts instantly.


Suggested reading list:

Here is a list of books that you may want to read with your child.Â