Maples (Year 1)

Welcome to Maples Class

Class Teacher: Miss Fletcher


Teaching Assistants: Miss Maria, Miss Taruna and Miss Madhok

Yr 1 Meet the teacher presentation .pdf


This term we will write:

During these units we will be working hard on our handwriting and presentation and remembering all the things we need to include in our writing.

Maths this year!


In science this term, the children will be studying the topic ‘Everyday Materials’. They will distinguish between an object and the material from which it is made, identify and name a variety of everyday materials, describe the simple physical properties of a variety of everyday materials and compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of their simple physical properties.



For the first half term, the topic for geography is ‘Wonderful Weather.’ Over this topic, children will be learning about the seasons and the weather patterns in the UK. They will be able to describe and explain different types of weather and even explore how symbols represent different types of weather. At the end of this half term, children will be conducting a fieldwork study of the school premises to identify, observe and record different human and physical features on the school site. 



The topic for history is ‘Toy stories.’ Children will develop their ability to ask and answer questions, their understanding of the past and changes over time through learning about how toys have changed over time. Children will consider the distinction between ‘old’ and ‘new’ toys through reflecting on the materials that these toys were made from. 



In the first half of the term the children will be introduced to data and information. Labelling, grouping, and searching are important aspects of data and information. Searching is a common operation in many applications, and requires an understanding that to search data, it must have labels. In computing we will focus on assigning data (images) with different labels in order to demonstrate how computers are able to group and present data. Learners will be logging on to the computers, opening their documents, and saving their documents. 

Later in the term, in the programming unit, learners will be introduced to on-screen programming through ScratchJr. Learners will explore the way a project looks by investigating sprites and backgrounds. They will use programming blocks to use, modify, and create programs. Learners will also be introduced to the early stages of program design through the introduction of algorithms.


Data and information



For the first part of the term, pupils will be exploring the question, ‘How do we know that new babies are special?’ They will begin the unit by exploring the belief in a God that created humans and suggest why babies are special to parents. After this, the children will learn that some Muslim people welcome a new baby with the Adhan, and Aqiqah. They will then explain how some Hindu people welcome a new baby by exploring Jatakarma. Finally the children will explore how promises are made during Christian baptism ceremonies, and identify why names are sometimes an important part of baby naming ceremonies. In the second part of the term, the children will be investigating the question, ‘Why should we care for others?’ 



For the first half term the unit is textiles, in which the children will be making their own puppets using different joining techniques. In the second half term the unit will be cooking and nutrition, in which the children will be learning about different fruits and vegetables. They will then use this learning to make their own healthy smoothies. 


Cooking and nutrition


The first half term will be a return to developing our drawing and painting skills through the topic Toys. We will look at the work of  Maurice Sendak and Andy Warhol for inspiration

We will then finish the year with our Amazing Animals unit in which we will be experimenting with clay work and printing. We will be learning about the work of Augusta Savage.



In the first unit of this term the children will be creating their own musical motifs inspired by Superhero themes such as Superman, Batman, and The Incredibles. We will explore how composers have used contrasting pitches and varying tempi to suggest physical movement, and will use our voices and instruments to apply and demonstrate these techniques.The second half of the summer term will be time to ‘Revise and review’, in which all skills developed over the year will be revisited and improved upon. Instrumental techniques always require a regular refreshing and strategies for developing creative compositions will be further advanced in this way. 



PE Kits: PE lessons will continue to take place on a Friday afternoon. Please ensure your child comes to school dressed in their PE kits. We will have a mixture of indoor and outdoor PE lessons so please ensure your child's PE kit is appropriate for all weathers. 

Water bottles, and reading books should be in school everyday. 

Please ensure that all items (including lunch boxes, spare clothes and water bottles) are named as this will help us to know who they belong to and return them to their owners. In Year 1, children might have occasional toileting accidents, this is why we encourage you to put some spare clothes in your child’s bag. 

Home Learning

Every Friday,  I will upload home learning activities to Google classroom for your child to complete during the week. Handwriting sheets which can not be completed on Google classroom will be given to the children at the end of the school day on Friday. Please can we ensure that children are regularly reading at home. If you cannot print the home learning from Google classroom please speak to me and I will arrange for your child's work to be printed off for them to complete. 


Home learning will include:

Reading at home

We recognise the value of a partnership between home and school to support children in the development of their reading skills. Children who read regularly for 10-15 minutes at home will gain a great deal. Please encourage your child to read at least 5 times a week. 

Tips for reading with your child:

Maths at home

These are the KIRF for year 1 for the academic year. 



Suggested reading list:

Here is a list of books that you may want to read with your child.