Rowans (Year 2)

Welcome to Rowans Class!

Class teacher: Miss Plater

Class teaching assistants: Miss Scotto Di Carlo, Miss Madhok, Mrs Gall

Copy of Y2 timetable

This is a typical week timetable for Year 2. Please, be aware this is subject to change.

Meet the teacher slides

Meet the teacher presentation - Year 2 24/25

Specialist Pathway 

Below is a summary of what children will be learning in each subject in the Specialist Pathway Curriculum this term. As well as the key knowledge the children should know for each unit. 


For the first term in science, we will be studying the uses of everyday materials. We will  identify and compare the suitability of a variety of everyday materials, including wood, metal, plastic, glass, brick, rock, paper and cardboard for different uses; we will compare how things move on different surfaces and we will find out how the shapes of solid objects made from some materials can be changed by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching.


For the first half term, we will be exploring ‘The World Jigsaw’. We will learn to identify the four countries of the UK and major cities. We will learn about the four countries in detail by exploring their key characteristics. We will then explore the world at large and look at the continents, oceans, seas and identify the equator, hemispheres and poles on maps and on a globe.


For the second half term, learning will be focused around the topic ‘Explorers.’ We will learn who an explorer is and consider the achievements and significance of explorers throughout history.  Specifically, we will consider Robert Falcon Scott’s expedition and the moon landing before comparing the similarities and differences between the two events. 

In every unit of history children will be learning and utilising skills in: historical enquiry; historical interpretation; chronological understanding; knowledge and understanding of past events, people and changes in the past; and presenting, organising and communicating knowledge.

Robert Falcon Scott

Neil Armstrong 


For the first part of the term, we will be thinking about why we need to give thanks. Initially, we will identify reasons people may feel thankful and how this can be expressed. We will then be able to explain how some people celebrate harvest time, and Identify the meaning behind some harvest celebrations and practices. As well as this, we will talk about what Hindu and Christian followers might learn from stories about gratitude, and explain how some Hindus and Christians show their gratitude to God. Finally, we will recognise how worship through songs can be used to express thanks to God. 

In the second part of the term, we will be learning what candles mean to people. We will express and compare ideas about the meaning of candles, and then recognise why candles are used to represent stories and beliefs. Following this, we will learn about the Hindu festival of Diwali and how it can be celebrated in different ways. From a Christian perspective, we will investigate how advent is celebrated, and how Jewish people use candles during Hanukkah. 


For the first part of the term we will be looking at how we can keep safe when online and about the importance of keeping our personal information secure both online and off. 

In the second part of the term children will develop their understanding of what information technology (IT) is and will investigate how IT improves our world.


For the first half term and second half term our unit is Structures: Baby bear’s chair. In this unit the children will be exploring  the concept and features of structures and the stability of different shapes as well as understanding that the shape of the structure can affect its strength. They will go on to make a structure according to a design criteria and finally they will  produce a finished structure and evaluate its strength, stiffness and stability.

• I know about different types of structures, found in the natural world and in everyday objects

• I know that shapes and structures with wide, flat bases or legs are the most stable 

• I know that the shape of a structure affects its strength 

• I know that materials can be manipulated to improve strength and stiffness 

• I know that a structure is something which has been formed or made from parts 

• I know that a ‘stable’ structure is one which is firmly fixed and unlikely to change or move 

• I know that a ‘strong’ structure is one which does not break easily 

• I know that a ‘stiff’ structure or material is one which does not bend easily

• I know that natural structures are those found in nature 

• I know that man-made structures are those made by people


In the first half term the children will be developing their drawing skills in our unit ‘Machines’ as they work from both observation and imagination. They will be studying work by Leonardo DaVinci and Eduardo Paollozi.

In the second half term the children will be developing their printing skills.


This term, in our invasion games unit, we will be learning to develop our understanding of the principles of defending and attacking for invasion games. We will use and develop skills such as sending and receiving with both feet and hands, as well as dribbling with both feet and hands. We will also have the opportunity to play uneven and even sided games.. In the second half term, in our gymnastics unit, we will be learning to develop balance shapes, develop balance in pairs, link together gymnastics actions into a sequence, link balances with other travelling moves, moving smoothly into and out of the balances and to use large apparatus and a variety of gymnastics actions to make a sequence.

Invasion games



In this unit we will be using instruments to represent animals, copying rhythms, learning a traditional Ghanaian Call and Response song and composing our own On Safari Call and Response song.


In English, we will looking at a range of text types. In this unit, we will be focusing on writing a set of instructions. We will look at some of the features we need to include when writing. We will magpie ideas from good examples to help us when we independently write our own. We will also be looking at verbs, conjunctions and expanded noun phrases. 

Maths this Year!


PE Kits: The children have PE on Mondays and Fridays, and need to come into school wearing their PE kits. We will have a mixture of indoor and outdoor PE lessons so please ensure your child's PE kit is appropriate for all weathers. 

Reading books: Please make sure your child has their reading books in school every day and are recording their reading on our online reading log.

Spelling books: Children will have weekly spellings to practise and these will be sent home in a spelling book. Please can these be brought in every day.

Water bottles: Please make sure your child has a water bottle in class every day. 

Home Learning!

We expect children to read daily. School books need to be in school each day.

Over the course of the week, we expect children to spend time learning their weekly spellings (year 1 and 2 common exceptions words or other words selected from their lessons), practise their maths skills (using Numbots and TTRockstars) and learn their Key Instant Recall Facts whilst working on their home learning project.

Year2 KIRF 2022_23.pdf

Recommended Home Reading!

If you would like to know what books we recommend for your child to read in Year 2, please look at the list below.

Year 2 Suggested Reading List:

The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch - Ronda and David Armitage

 Into The Forest - Anthony Browne 

Gorilla - Anthony Browne 

The Cat Who Lost His Purr - Michelle Coxon 

Mr Wolf’s Pancakes - Jan Fearnley 

Cat and Mouse Story - Michael Rosen 

The Snow Lady - Shirley Hughes 

Grace and Family - Mary Hoffman and Caroline Binch

 The Adventures of Captain Underpants - Dav Pilkey 

 Little Wolf’s Book of Badness - Ian Whybrow 

Mrs Wobble the Waitress - Allan Ahlberg 

Pirate School: Just a Bit of Wind - Jeremy Strong 

The Guard Dog - Dick King-Smith

 Emily’s Legs - Dick King-Smith 

No Tights for George - Julia Crebbin

 Princess Smarty-pants - Babette Cole

 Prince Cinders - Babette Cole

 Jolly Roger - Colin McNaughton

 The Worst Witch - Jill Murphy

 Horrid Henry Series - Francesca Simon

The Magic Finger - Roald Dahl 

The BFG - Roald Dahl 

George’s Marvellous Medicine - Roald Dahl 

A First Book of Nature - Nicola Davies and Mark Hearld

The Big Book of the Blue - Yuval Zommer