Rowans (Year 2)

Welcome to Rowans Class!

Class teacher: Mr Sapsford

Class teaching assistants: Ms Woodruff and Ms Khoshaba

Meet the teacher presentation - Year 2

Specialist Pathway 

Below is a summary of what children will be learning in each subject in the Specialist Pathway Curriculum this term. As well as the key knowledge the children should know for each unit. We are really excited about our new curriculum!


In science, we will be studying a unit called ‘Animals including humans.’ In this unit, we will notice that animals, including humans, have offspring which grow into adults, find out about and describe the basic needs of animals, including humans, for survival and describe the importance for humans of exercise, eating the right amounts of different types of food, and hygiene. 


For the first half term, the topic for geography is ‘France and Australia.’ Over this half term, we will be developing our geographical skills in human and physical geography, place knowledge and fieldwork. We will develop our understanding of human features by comparing the purposes and utility of different human features. Later in the half term, we will expand upon our fieldwork skills by reading and drawing a variety of different maps, interpreting different aerial photographs and by recording our observations in our study of the school site. 


The topic for history is ‘seaside’. We will be looking at how the seaside has changed throughout history and how the invention of the steam train turned the seaside into a popular tourist destination. We will be using different resources to understand how the past is represented. We will use information and evidence to describe significant individuals from the past. 


For the first part of the term, we will be exploring the question, ‘How do some people talk to God?’ We will begin the unit by considering why some people might choose to talk to God and the ways that some people pray. We will then recognise how different people use their bodies to pray by exploring practices, and understand why some people use special objects and clothing during prayer. We will then explore Hindu prayer practices and the significance of special objects, and explore where some prayers come from. In the second part of the term, we will be thinking about the question, ‘Where do some people talk to God?’ 


In the first half term, we will begin to understand what the term data means and how data can be collected in the form of a tally chart. We will learn the term ‘attribute’ and use this to help us organise data. We will then progress onto presenting data in the form of pictograms and finally block diagrams. We will use the data presented to answer questions. Later in the term, we will initially recap on learning from the Year 1 ScratchJr unit ‘Programming B – Programming animations’. We will begin to understand that sequences of commands have an outcome, and make predictions based on our learning. We will use and modify designs to create our own quiz questions in ScratchJr, and realise these designs in ScratchJr using blocks of code. Finally, we will evaluate our work and make improvements to our programming projects. 

Data and information – Pictograms

Programming B – An introduction to quizzes


In the first half term, we will be doing cooking and nutrition, learning all about a balanced diet and making healthy wraps. The second part of the term, we will be doing textiles which will involve making pouches and learning about what different sewing techniques we can use.

Cooking and nutrition



In the first half term, our theme in art is The Sea where we will focus on the work of Alfred Wallis and his seascapes. We will develop our painting skills during the unit. In the second half term, we will be looking at the work of the American sculptor Augusta Savage as we develop our 3D modelling skills through the use of clay in our Amazing Animals unit. 


In the striking and fielding unit, we will develop our understanding of the principles of striking and fielding games. We will develop the skills of throwing and catching, tracking and retrieving a ball and striking a ball. We will also begin to self-manage small sided games and will learn how to score points and play to the rules. In the athletics unit, we will develop skills required in athletic activities such as running at different speeds, jumping and throwing. In all athletic based activities, we will engage in performing skills and measuring performance, competing to improve on our own score and against others. We learn how to improve by identifying areas of strength as well as areas to develop. 

Striking and fielding



In the first half of this term, we shall be studying the music and sounds of the British Isles in a unit called 'On This Island'. We will use percussion instruments to create a series of soundscapes, and our voices to sing folk songs from across the ages. We will be looking at ways of expanding our musical vocabulary when listening and appraising, and will be applying this understanding in our improvisations. The second half of the summer term will be time to ‘Revise and review’, in which all skills developed over the year will be revisited and improved upon. Instrumental techniques always require a regular refreshing and strategies for developing creative compositions will be further advanced in this way. 


In English, we will looking at a range of narratives. In this unit, we will be focusing on writing a narrative to describe and entertain. We will look at some of the features we need to include when writing. We will magpie ideas from good examples to help us when we independently write our own. We will also be looking at expanded noun phrases, conjunctions and possessive apostrophes during the unit.

Website Y2 Bewick Bridge Writing Cake .pdf

Maths this Year!


PE Kits: The children have PE on Fridays, and need to come into school wearing their PE kits. We will have a mixture of indoor and outdoor PE lessons so please ensure your child's PE kit is appropriate for all weathers. 

Reading books: Please make sure your child has their reading books in school every day and are recording their reading on our online reading log.

Water bottles: Please make sure your child has a water bottle in class every day. 

Home Learning!

We expect children to read daily. School books need to be in school each day.

Over the course of the week, we expect children to spend time learning their Year 1 and 2 common exceptions words, practise their maths skills (using Numbots and TTRockstars) and learn their Key Instant Recall Facts whilst working on their home learning project.

Year2 KIRF 2022_23.pdf

Recommended Home Reading!

If you would like to know what books we recommend for your child to read in Year 2, please look at the list below.

Year 2 Suggested Reading List:

The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch - Ronda and David Armitage

 Into The Forest - Anthony Browne 

Gorilla - Anthony Browne 

The Cat Who Lost His Purr - Michelle Coxon 

Mr Wolf’s Pancakes - Jan Fearnley 

Cat and Mouse Story - Michael Rosen 

The Snow Lady - Shirley Hughes 

Grace and Family - Mary Hoffman and Caroline Binch

 The Adventures of Captain Underpants - Dav Pilkey 

 Little Wolf’s Book of Badness - Ian Whybrow 

Mrs Wobble the Waitress - Allan Ahlberg 

Pirate School: Just a Bit of Wind - Jeremy Strong 

The Guard Dog - Dick King-Smith

 Emily’s Legs - Dick King-Smith 

No Tights for George - Julia Crebbin

 Princess Smarty-pants - Babette Cole

 Prince Cinders - Babette Cole

 Jolly Roger - Colin McNaughton

 The Worst Witch - Jill Murphy

 Horrid Henry Series - Francesca Simon

The Magic Finger - Roald Dahl 

The BFG - Roald Dahl 

George’s Marvellous Medicine - Roald Dahl 

A First Book of Nature - Nicola Davies and Mark Hearld

The Big Book of the Blue - Yuval Zommer