Elms (Year 4)

Welcome to Elms Class!

Class teacher: Mr Medlock

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Banks

This webpage has details of our learning topics and other useful information. We will regularly be updating it with information about any planned events and sharing your work so be sure to keep checking it for updates.

Elms 24_25 timetable.pdf
Elms Meet the Teacher.pdf

Elms class photo gallery

Our children are incredibly proud of their work in Elms class. Take a look at some of their excellent contributions below.

News and Events

Water bottles

Please ensure your child has a water bottle every day. We have drinking water in class for refilling.

PE kits

This term, our PE lessons will be  on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please ensure your child comes to school wearing their PE kit to school on those days. Our school  sports uniform requirements are a plain white t-shirt, navy blue shorts and suitable outdoor trainers.  We will also be swimming in the Spring term, so please ensure your child brings their swimming kit on Wednesdays.

Term Homework

As part of our SP curriculum this year, we will continue to set home learning projects for different subject areas each term. 

We will give details of this term's long term homework shortly

When you recieve this term's long term homework, please help your child with discussing ideas, planning and collecting resources; the actual completion of the project should be their independent work. To help with time management, encourage your child to spend some time each week working on their long-term project. At school, all children will be given the opportunity to present their home learning projects to the rest of their class. Please encourage your child to rehearse their presentation.

Home Learning

We expect children to read daily. School books borrowed from the library need to be brought into school each day. Children will be expected to read at least 5 times each week to their parents or guardian who will record them reading using the link sent to their phone.

Over the course of the week, we expect children to spend time learning their Year 3 and 4 common exceptions words (see below in the spelling section for the list of words), their times tables (using Times Tables Rockstars) and learning their Key Instant Recall Facts.


Children will be given a choice of projects to complete each term. These should include some research into the topic and a presentation that will be supported either by slides, a poster or a 3D model. Time will be given for each child to present their project to the rest of the class. 

SP Curriculum

Year 4 spring term

In this section, you will find a brief summary of what children will be learning in each subject in the SP Curriculum this spring term. In addition to this, you will find the key knowledge the children should know for each unit. It would be helpful if you could discuss your child's learning with them in each subject area.


In the first half term we will be developing our printing skills as we create collagraphs of mythical creatures. In the second half term we will be focusing our work on the Anglo Saxons. We will  create sculptures of Anglo Saxon housing and develop our weaving skills as we work with various textiles.

Knowledge: A collagraph is a print whose plate is a board onto which textured materials such as bubble wrap, sand paper, leaves, bark etc are glued. The plate is then inked for printing then printed onto paper.The first artist to use collograph was Glen Alps.

When you make a model, you are making a smaller version of something. When you make a sculpture, you can let your ideas fly!

Replicas of Anglo Saxon housing can be seen at West Stow

Anglo Saxons had to weave all the cloth for their clothing. 

Weaving is generally done on a loom which is  a wooden frame.

Warp are the threads that go up and down and are held in place. The weft is the thread that weaves in and out. Card weaving was used to make belts and straps.


In the first half term the children will be focussing on textiles and fastenings. They will identify and evaluate different types of fastenings as well as design a product to meet a design criteria. They will then go on to make and test a paper template and finally assemble a book jacket. In the second part of the term we will learn about electrical systems and how they work. We will analyse  and evaluate electrical products as well as design a product to fit a set of specific user needs. Finally, we will  make and evaluate a torch as well as write a set of instructions explaining how to make a torch.



Electrical Systems:


The topic for Geography this half term is mountains. Children will begin this topic by considering how mountains are formed before considering the specific and individual formation of different mountain types. Pupils will build upon their understanding of physical features by comparing different aspects of physical features to mountains and identifying any trends or patterns. Later on in the half term children will develop their fieldwork skills by learning how to use six-figure grid references and cardinal and intercardinal compass points to identify geographical places and features on a map. 


In the first half-term we will be studying electricity; we will explore series circuits and what they need to function in order to work a bulb or buzzer. In the second half-term, we will study sound, understanding that sound is vibration in the air, and finding patterns between how the vibration moves and how it is perceived by us.


identify common appliances that run on electricity

Electrical energy is one of many forms of energy

Static electricity is an imbalance of charged particles on a material; it does not operate by flowing around a complete circuit 

Current electricity  is the flow of charged particles called electrons around a circuit

Sc4/4.2b construct a simple series electrical circuit, identifying and naming its basic parts, including cells, wires, bulbs, switches and buzzers

More than one cell lined up to work together is called a battery

Sc4/4.2c identify whether or not a lamp will light in a simple series circuit, based on whether or not the lamp is part of a complete loop with a battery

A series circuit is a circuit where the components are connected in a loop.

Electricity flows through each component in a single pathway.

Complete circuit: Electricity flows. The components will work.

Incomplete circuit: There is a break in the circuit that prevents the electricity from flowing.

Sc4/4.2d recognise that a switch opens and closes a circuit and associate this with whether or not a lamp lights in a simple series circuit

Switches can be used to open or close a circuit. When off, a switch ‘breaks’ the circuit to stop the flow of electricity. When on, a switch ‘completes’ the circuit and allows the electricity to flow.

Sc4/4.2e recognise some common conductors and insulators, and associate metals with being good conductors

Conductors have free electrons and that when electrical current flows around a conductor the electrons move

Common conductors: platinum, bronze, graphite, lemon juice, silver, gold, copper, aluminium, mercury, steel, iron, concrete 

Common insulators: dry wood, rubber, glass, oil, diamond, dry cotton, plastic, dry paper, porcelain

Sc4/4.1a identify how sounds are made, associating some of them with something vibrating

When an object vibrates, some of the energy from the vibrating object transfers into the air, making the air particles move 

Sound is a form of energy that transfers in a longitudinal wave - like a slinky - not a transverse wave - like water ripples

Sc4/4.1b recognise that vibrations from sounds travel through a medium to the ear

Sound does not travel through a vacuum e.g. space

Sound travels at different speeds through different objects

Sound travels at around 340 metres per second in air (slower than light); so we often hear thunder after we see lightning

Sc4/4.1c find patterns between the pitch of a sound and features of the object that produced it

Pitch: how high or low a sound is 

Pitch: how many vibrations per second 

The number of vibrations per second is called frequency 

Sc4/4.1d find patterns between the volume of a sound and the strength of the vibrations that produced it.

Volume: loud or quiet 

Volume: the amount of energy in a way 

Sc4/4.1e recognise that sounds get fainter as the distance from the sound source increases

The volume of a sound is quieter is the listener is further away from the object


In the dance unit, pupils will focus on creating characters and narrative through movement and gesture. They will gain inspiration from a range of stimuli, working individually, in pairs and small groups. In dance as a whole, pupils will think about how to use movement to explore and communicate ideas and issues, and their own feelings and thoughts.

In the net and wall games unit, pupils will develop the key skills required for tennis such as the ready position, racket control and forehand and backhand groundstrokes. Pupils will learn how to score points and how to use skills, strategies and tactics to outwit the opposition. Pupils will also be given opportunities to play games independently and will be taught the importance of being honest whilst playing to the rules.


Dance unit:

Net and wall games

Rules: know and understand the rules to be able to manage our own game


In the first part of the term we will be considering the question, ‘Just how important are our beliefs?’ The children will make links between beliefs, promises and commitments demonstrated in some baby welcoming ceremonies and will recognise the value of ceremonies of commitment to some religious and non-religious people. The children will reflect on how commitment to beliefs can be shown through outward appearance, through diet, and through sacrificing time and money. Finally, the children will learn about what sacrifice can mean to some Sikh people. In the second part of the term the children will investigate the question, ‘Why is the Bible the best- selling book of all time?’



In the first part of the term we will be looking at photo editing. Pupils will develop their understanding of how digital images can be changed and edited, and how they can then be resaved and reused. They will consider the impact that editing images can have, and evaluate the effectiveness of their choices. 

 In the second part of the term, pupils will be looking at programming and repetition in shapes. Pupils will create programs by planning, modifying, and testing commands to create shapes and patterns. They will use Logo, a text-based programming language, to look at repetition and loops within programming.

Knowledge Photo Editing:

Knowledge Programming:


The topic for history is the Anglo-Saxons. Throughout the half term children will develop and refine their historical skills. They will examine a variety of sources to ask and answer questions and to consider different accounts of history. They will also develop their understanding of chronology in their study of the Anglo-Saxons. By the end of this topic children will have learnt about the impact of the Anglo-Saxons and their way of life on Britain. 



In the first unit of this term - The Unanswered Question -  we will be developing an understanding of the life and work of American composer Charles Ives, and composing a piece of music inspired by his famous piece 'The Unanswered Question'. Lessons will start with a focus on singing.

After half term we will be learning the basics of ukulele technique and how to play in time with others. We will learn two chords and play 'Best Day of My Life', then add a third chord and play ‘I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For'. We will learn to read graphic chord shapes, as used in all ukulele and guitar tuition. 

Lessons will start with a focus on Musicianship and the development of musical literacy: reading pitches from staff notation. 

Knowledge (‘The Unanswered Question’):

: Charles Ives was an American composer; 

: Ives developed experimental techniques such as polytonality; 

: The Unanswered Question is written for three groups: Solo trumpet, string ensemble, and woodwind quartet.

Knowledge (‘Ukuleles 2’):

How to hold the ukulele and how to refer to the various parts;

How to play the ‘C’, ‘F’ and ‘G’ chords;

How to play alongside others whilst maintaining our own part.


Below is our year 4 curriculum map for our maths this year. Our programme has been designed to provide learners with a deep conceptual understanding of mathematical principles and the ability to confidently communicate in precise mathematical language 

Year 4 Curriculum Map.pdf

Times tables Multiplication Check

Next summer, the children will have their Multiplication Tables Check (MTC)

What is the Multiplication Tables Check?

The Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) is a key stage 2 assessment to be taken by pupils at the end of year 4 (in June). The MTC’s purpose is to ensure the times tables knowledge is at the expected level and is statutory for primary schools. This year's check will be between Monday 2nd June and Friday 13th June.

The Multiplication Times Tables Check is an online test where the pupils are asked 25 questions on times tables 2 to 12. For every question, you have 6 seconds to answer, and in between the questions, there is a 3-second rest. Questions about the 6, 7, 8, 9, and 12 times table come up more often. The questions are generated randomly based on the rules of the MTC.

It is important that the children prepare for the MTC by regularly practicing their tables at home. TT Rock Stars provides excellent support for developing knowledge and quick recall of times tables. 

 Is it important to learn your times tables?

Times tables are a very important part of mathematical knowledge and pupils who struggle with them in primary school will likely fall behind when they begin secondary school. Through knowing their times tables pupils will start to notice patterns and will then be able to apply this knowledge to more advanced work. The more accurate and faster you are with your times tables the more confident you will feel in your maths lessons. 


This term, the children will write a range of different texts, including instructional writing, narratives, letters and a recount of an event. 

Throughout the rest of Year 4, we will be writing non-chronological reports, newspaper articles, persuasive pieces, myths and poetry. Check back to see some of our best work posted here on Elms page.

English Writing Skills Progression

The following document explains the expectations for children's writing in year 4.  By the end of year 4 they need to have mastered these skills to be able to be assessed at Year 4 level. We are constantly practicing  these skills and expect to see evidence of them in all writing completed in school.

Copy of Skills progression for Year 4:


In Year 4 children will learn to:

develop a range of personal strategies for learning new and irregular words* 

• develop a range of strategies for checking and proofreading spellings after writing*  

• use further prefixes and suffixes and understand how to add them (English Appendix 1) • spell further homophones 

• spell words that are often misspelt 

• place the possessive apostrophe accurately in words with regular plurals (for example,  girls’, boys’) and in words with irregular plurals (for example, children’s

• use the first two or three letters of a word to check its spelling in a dictionary 

• write from memory simple sentences, dictated by the teacher, that include words and  punctuation taught so far 

• proofread for spelling errors.



Reading every day is the most important part of learning at home. Books will be sent home from our school library and should be brought into school each day along with the school library bookmark. Please check that your children are recording their reading in their reading records.

Suggested reading books for Year 4 children:

Books are perfect presents but it is often difficult for parents to decide which books to buy for their children. To help you this is a list of recommend books for year 4 children.

Harry Potter Series - J.K. Rowling 

The Demon Headmaster - Gillian Cross 

A Caribbean Dozen - John Agard & Grace Nicholls 

 Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters - John Steptoe 

Beowolf - Kevin Crossley-Holland 

The Dragon's Child - Jenny Nimmo 

The Ghost Blades - Anthony Masters 

Sara, Plain and Tall - Patricia MacLachlan Smart Girls - Robert Leeson 

Brother Eagle, Sister Sky - Susan Jeffers & Chief Seattle

 Robi Dobi - Madhur Jaffrey 

The Reluctant Dragon - Kenneth Grahame 

Flow - Pippa Goodhart

 Dragon Poems - John Foster & Korky Paul 

The Crazy Shoe Shuffle - Gillian Cross

 The Sea Piper - Helen Cresswell 

The Chocolate Touch - Patrick Skene 

Catling Spacebaby - Henrietta Branford 

A Pot of Gold - Jill Bennett

 Fog Hounds Wind Cat Sea Mice - Joan Aiken

 The Clothes Horse - Allan Ahlberg

 It Was A Dark and Stormy Night - Allan Ahlberg 

Max and the Millions - Ross Montgomery

The Children of Green Knowe- Lucy Boston

The Accidental Prime Minister - Tony Mclaughlin 

When the Mountains Roared - Jess Butterworth

How to Help a Hedgehog and Protect a Polar Bear - Jess French

Survivors - David Long and Kerry Hyndman 

Terrible True Tales from the Tower of London - Sarah Kilby and Peter Cottril

100 things to know about Science - Usborne 
