
Welcome to Oaks Class!

Class teacher: Mr Calle


TAs: Miss Dean 

Meet the teacher presentation - Year 6 24_25.pdf
Copy of Year 6 Timetable 2024/25

See  the Year 6 class timetable. Please, be aware this is subject to change. 

SP Curriculum

 Year 6 Spring Term

In this section, you will find a brief summary of what children will be learning in each subject in the SP Curriculum this term. In addition to this, you will find the key knowledge the children should know for each unit. It would be helpful if you could discuss your child's learning with them in each subject area.


In the first half term, we will be continuing with our puppet project as we move on to create the backdrops and scenery for our performances. In the second half term, we begin our art unit: Moving People. Within the unit we will create pictures of moving people before creating a modroc statue of a person in action. 

Art Knowledge:


In the first half term we will be continuing with our puppet project as we move on to create the backdrops and scenery for our performances. In the second half term the children will begin their DT unit Cooking and nutrition:Come dine with me. We will learn about the use of complementary flavours and research and design a three course meal. We will then go on to make our courses using all our culinary skills and knowledge that we have learnt throughout the unit. 

DT Knowledge:


The topic for geography this half term is polar landscapes. Children will develop their understanding of physical geography by considering in depth the key physical features of the Arctic and Antarctic regions. Afterwards they will consider the impact of human population, movement, land use, settlement and various economic activities on the Arctic region. They will conclude this topic by identifying the ways that sustainable activity can help preserve these parts of the world. 

Geography Knowledge:


This half-term, we will be studying electricity, including constructing both series and parallel circuits, and understanding voltage. Next half-term, we will study light, understanding how light enables us to see. We will also learn about reflection, refraction and shadows. 

Science Knowledge:

To associate the brightness of a lamp or the volume of a buzzer with the number and voltage of cells used in the circuit

To compare and give reasons for variations in how components function, including the brightness of bulbs, the loudness of buzzers and the on/off position of switches

To recognise that light appears to travel in straight lines

To use the idea that light travels in straight lines to explain that objects are seen because they give out or reflect light into the eye

To explain that we see things because light travels from light sources to our eyes or from light sources to objects and then to our eyes

To use the idea that light travels in straight lines to explain why shadows have the same shape as the objects that cast them


In the dance unit, children will collaborate in pairs and groups to transform ideas into choreography, using various tools like formations, timing, and dynamics. They'll choreograph, perform, and offer feedback, exploring movement's expression of ideas, emotions, and characters. 

In the net and wall games unit, children will enhance their tennis racket skills, learning forehand, backhand, volley, and underarm serve. Tactical understanding in partner and opposition play will be emphasised, fostering respect for teammates and opponents.

PE Knowledge:

Dance unit:

Net and wall games

Rules: understand, apply and use rules consistently in a variety of net and wall games whilst playing and officiating. 


In the first unit of the term, pupils will be investigating the question, ‘Why is it better to be there in person?’ The children will explore the factors that can shape someone’s experience of a religious or non-religious event and will understand the significance of places for some Jewish and non-Jewish people. They will evaluate the rules around attending significant places and will consider the challenges that many Muslims may face when travelling to Makkah. Finally, the children will understand the significance of attending a non-religious event as a Humanist, and will explore the concept of pilgrimage and its relevance in the UK. In the second part of the term, the children will be thinking about the question, ‘Why is there suffering?’ 

RE Knowledge:


In the first unit of the term, pupils will be introduced to creating websites for a chosen purpose. Pupils will identify what makes a good web page and use this information to design and evaluate their own website using Google Sites. Throughout the process, pupils will pay specific attention to copyright and fair use of media.

 In the second part of the term, pupils will explore the concept of variables in programming through games in Scratch. First, pupils will find out what variables are and relate them to real-world examples of values that can be set and changed. Then they will use variables to create a simulation of a scoreboard. Finally, using the use-modify-create model, pupils will experiment 

with variables in an existing project, then modify them, before they create their own project.

Computing knowledge:

Knowledge Web Page Creation:

Knowledge Programming: 


In history the topic is ‘The Space Race.’ Throughout the half term children will develop and refine their historical skills. They will examine a variety of sources to ask and answer questions and to consider different accounts of history. They will develop their understanding of chronology in their developing perspective of history as a chronological narrative of events. By the end of this unit, children will have learnt about the content that surrounded and led to the Cold War, the implications of the cold war and will consider the significance of space exploration. 

History Knowledge:


In the first unit of this term, Film Music, we will be looking at compositional techniques used by famous film composers, and applying these in the composition of original music for a silent movie.

Lessons will start with a focus on singing.

After half term we will be building on our understanding of variations, and using retrograde and inversion techniques to further manipulate our source material. We will be learning how to use the Circle of Fifths to develop chord sequences and will use staff notation to record our work. 

Lessons will start with a focus on Music History as we add to our Music Timeline Charts

Music Knowledge:

Spring term


During the Spring term,  in maths, we will be learning about Coordinates and Shapes, Fractions, Decimals and Measure, Percentages and Statistics and Proportion problems.

Year 6 Curriculum Map.pdf


During the Spring term, in English, we will be analysing and writing different text types:

Non-chronological report - Civilisations

Newspaper report - The lighthouse

Persuasive text - Marketing a chocolate box


Spring 1: Electricity

Spring 2: Light

News and events

Water bottles

Please, ensure your child has a water bottle every day. We have drinking water in class for refilling.

PE kits

This term, our PE lessons will be  on Mondays and Thursdays. Please, be aware that we expect children to come to school wearing their PE kits (plain white t-shirt, navy blue shorts and suitable outdoor trainers) on the days they have PE.

Home learning


Daily arithmetic

Daily times tables practise on TT Rockstars


Reading every day is another important part of learning at home - books will be sent home  and should be brought to school each day, along with the school library book mark. 

It is often difficult for parents to decide which books to buy for their children. To help you we have added a list of recommended books below.


There will be weekly spellings following  a range of spelling

patterns as well as common exception words.

Recommended books for Year 6

Books are perfect presents but it is often difficult for parents to decide which books to buy for their children. To help you we have added a list of recommended books below.

Carrie’s WarNina BawdenWhen Hitler Stole Pink RabbitJudith KerrForgotten Voices of the Second World WarMax ArthurThe Diamond of Drury LaneJulia GoldingFramedFrank Cottrell BoyceHomecomingCynthia VoigtNoughts and CrossesMalorie BlackmanKnife EdgeMalorie BlackmanPrivate PeacefulMichael MorpurgoThe Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 13 ¾Sue TownsendTreasure IslandRobert Louis StevensonMortal EnginesPhilip ReeveClockworkPhilip PullmanDragon KeeperCarole Wilkinson

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-TimeMark HaddonPeter PanJ M BarrieWizard of OzF BaumRobinson CrusoeDaniel DefoeOliver TwistCharles DickensJungle BookRudyard KiplingThe Railway ChildrenE NesbitThe BorrowersM NortonThe Adventures of Huckleberry FinnMark TwainAlex Rider seriesAnthony HorowitzMy Story seriesVarious authorsAnne Frank: The Diary of a Young GirlEd. Otto H FrankBoy OverboardMorris GleitzmanSabrielGarth Nix
Bewick Bridge KIRFs (1)-34-37.pdf

Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs)

Year 5 and 6 spelling list.pdf

Fulbourn Old Drift, Cambridge, CB1 9ND      

Tel: 01223 508772