

Cambridgeshire Local Authority (LA) is responsible for setting the admissions policy and criteria for this school. 

Places will be allocated on the basis of the published admission number (PAN) for the year group and the admissions criteria set by the LA. The PAN for reception is 30. In the event of over-subscription, the LA’s criteria will be used to determine priority for places. Please see our policy below.

Parents seeking places in the other year groups can apply at any time. If there is a place, it will be offered. If the year group is full, the child will be placed on a reserve list and the parents will be offered the right of appeal. Further details can be found in the LA’s primary admissions booklet for parents.

Prospective parents are very welcome to visit the school and meet with the Headteacher. Appointments to visit can be made by telephoning the school office. There is a parents’ evening for new Reception parents in October ahead of the admission deadline so that they can meet their child’s teacher and see the school.

Please see our Admission Policy in the policy folder.

If your child was born between 1/9/2020 and 31/8/2021, they will be due to start school in September 2025. 

Bewick Bridge CP School Prospectus 2024_2025.pdf