Welcome to the Swifts Class Hall of Fame

Swifts enjoyed their day out at Wicksteed Park.  They learnt about how the Victorians spent their leisure time.  This included the Victorian rise in taking a holiday at the seaside and fairground rides.  They learnt about the philanthropist Charles Wicksteed who founded Wicksteed park so that more disadvantaged Victorian families, who couldn't travel to the seaside could still experience some seaside delights; including a giant sandpit, a coconut shy and a merry go round!


Our Summer Term topic will be

Fantastic Fairgrounds

A study/aspect in British history which will extend pupils chronological knowledge beyond 1066.

Victorian childhood including fairgrounds. We will be looking a case study of Queen Victoria and make a link with our local History.

Fingers crossed that we will be able to undertake a school trip to Wicksteed Park in late June.


Summer Term 2

We will covering a number of different genres in the final half term including poetry and book reviews.


Summer Term 2

We will be continuing to follow the White Rose Scheme of Learning.

Topics for Summer Term 2 will be;

Measurement: Time (finishing our unit)

Geometry - Shape 2D and 3D

Measurement - Mass, volume and capacity 

Children will be encouraged to practice their times tables using TTRockstars. We will still be using the following platforms to support our math learning. https://diagnosticquestions.com/

and/or on https://www.sumdog.com/

If you would like any information on the type of math processes we use at Bewick Bridge please ensure that you look at the school calculation policy.

 Bewick Bridge Calculation policy


For Summer 2 we will be investigating

Forces and Magnets

During this block we will be investigating forces and magnets with the help of Traction Man by Mini Grey and finishing with creating our own magnetic games using our expert knowledge and skills. 

Knowledge Organiser at the bottom of the page. 


Summer 2

We will be using Scratch Jr to programme basic sprite operations and coding tasks. 


In Summer Term 2  - Fairgrounds

Explore the 6 point colour wheel.

To look at the work of Fred Fowle - Fairground banner maker.

To study images of fairground rides, look at colour and shape.

Make drawings of shapes. Select a shape and transfer to polyprint.


Other Stuff!!


Children will need to have a PE kit in school everyday from the start of the final half term.  

Please ensure that the PE kit is suitable for outdoor PE as we will strive to get outside as much as the weather is permitting. 

PE will be on a Monday and Friday - Active Atheletics and Skip to the Beat.

Home Learning

This will be set via Google Classroom to be active first thing on a Monday morning.  All children should login using the same login that they were previously using during lockdown.  

If there is a problem with the login then please email me directly and I will endeavour to sort out your query.

Year 3 Recommended Reading List:

The Street Beneath My Feet - Charlotte Guillain 

The Abominables - Eva Ibbotson

Egypt Magnified - David Long and Harry Bloom

Meet the Ancient Romans - James Davies

This Moose Belongs to Me - Oliver Jeffers

The Pebble in my Pocket: A History of Our Earth - Meredith Hooper

The Nothing to see Here Hotel - Steven Butler and Steven Lenton

The 13 Story Treehouse - Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton

Mr Gum - Andy Stanton

The Boy Who Grew - Andy Shepherd

The Sheep Pig - Dick King-Smith

Who Are You Calling Weird?: A Celebration of Weird and Wonderful Animals - Marilyn Singer

Three Cheers for Women - Marcia Williams 

The Watcher - Jeanette Winter

Arthur and the Golden Rope - Joe Todd Stanton

My Name is Not Refugee - Kate Milner

The Tin Forest - Helen Ward and Wayne Anderson

Journey to the Centre of My Brain - Macmillan Poetry

The Story Tree - Hugh Lupton

Hello World - Jonathan Litton

A World of Cities - James Brown and Lily Murray

A Street Through Time - Steve Noon

Copy of Fairgrounds year 3
Copy of Forces and Magnets Knowledge Organiser.docx
Copy of Bewick Bridge Kirfs Year 3 Summer 2