
Summer term learning in Year 1 Robins

Welcome to our class page,

Please read through this page to know what the Robins will be learning this term.

If a child has to isolate because they have been in contact with a covid positive person or they have the virus, they will continue their education remotely.  For full details please read the contingency planning for remote education document (below).

Please do not hesitate to contact me on if you have any questions, concerns or require further guidance.  

Warm regards,

Ms Isla

Robins Class Teacher

Copy of Bewick Bridge contingency planning for remote education March 2021.pdf

Weekly timetable

families Copy of Robins (Y1) Timetable 20/21 - Summer 1

Summer celebration of learning

Save the date! Our sharing assembly will take place on the 10th of May. Details to follow.

Year 1 RWInc/ reading/ writing info

Reading and writing

This document outlines what you can do at home to support child with their reading and writing.

Year 1 Maths info


This document outlines what you can do at home to support child with their Maths (number and space, shape and measure).

Home learning

New home learning activities are uploaded onto Google Classroom on a Friday.

Reading at home

We recognise the value of a partnership between home and school to support children in the development of their reading skills. Children who read regularly for 10-15 minutes at home will gain a great deal. Please encourage your child to read at least 5 times a week. 

Tips for reading with your child:

Find a quiet space and a quiet time.

Have a look at the front cover together. Ask your child to tell you what they think the book will be about (predict).

Don’t worry if your child gets a word wrong. Encourage them to read till the end of the sentence. They might self-correct, however if they are really stuck encourage them to use ’Special Friends’, ‘Fred Talk’, ‘read the word’.

Discuss the story and encourage their storyteller voice

Listen to your child read the same Read Write Inc. Storybook again and again.

Children in Year 1 will take home different types of books depending on their stage of reading (see reading and writing document above).

Summer term


We are focusing on Greenling  by Levi Pinfold. This book will help us learn about persuasive writing.

We will also learn about poetry, for this unit our focus texts will be poems about Stegosaurus Stan and Stegosaurus Wayne. 


We will continue learning about place value, this time with numbers to 100.  

We will build on our knowledge of geometry by looking at the position and direction of different shapes. Also, we will learn about fractions, money (coins and notes) and measuring length and height.


Toy Stories

In this topic we will learn about toys from the present and the past and some of their features.

Please take at our knowledge organiser (below) to know the vocabulary and facts that we will learn.


We are learning about everyday materials. 

In this unit we will: 

Toys Year 1 - knowledge organiser


Ensure your child reads at least once a day for 10 minutes or more. It is essential that you not only hear them read but also model fluency and expression through reading more challenging texts to your child.  For more information see the document above.

See the link below for some suggestions, taking into account the reading age and the interest age. 

RWInc ebooks 

Books to read to your child 

Additionally, you can find confident readers reading aloud at the world book day storytime online, so your child can hear a range of readers.

It is important to talk about and ask questions about the books that they have read. You can find a range of questions here

Discuss interesting or new vocabulary and encourage your child to use it in their writing or speech. 

Each week your child could write a book review on a book that they have read to share with their class. Templates can be found here

Other websites to support reading at home

Oxford owl

Reading eggs (free 30 day trial)

Read Write Inc. (Phonics)

Every child in Year 1 joins in with Read Write inc speed sounds lessons.  

On the Ruth Miskin You Tube Channel you can also find  videos to support your child’s reading and writing at home.

You can also find a sample of free ebooks that support the RWInc lessons here. 

For more information see the document above  and the RWInc page of the website.

Suggested reading list:

Here is a list of books that you may want to read with your child.