Welcome to Year 4!
Hello Elms and welcome to a new school year.
Welcome back to school for an exciting new year.
With this new term we also have delicious new topics in many subjects, several of which have a focus on food. We are also starting our work in forest school work this term. There is information about forest school below.
On the 21st of June when the class will be presenting a sharing class assembly. Due to the present situation it will be a recorded assembly which I will share with you all. Of course I will let you know if there is any change that would allow us to be able to perform a live assembly. Also, this term we have our first trip out of school to West Stow Anglo Saxon Village.
If you wish to get in touch about any thing regarding your children's work or school life please email me on ndereboy@bewickbridge.co.uk
Best wishes from
Mrs Dereboy and Miss Chamberlin
News and Events
This half term, we are excited to welcome Happy Circus to Bewick Bridge. The circus will be here for two days. The second day will be for performances but during the first day children will get an opportunity to meet the performers and learn about their work.
There are still a few tickts for sle at the office.
Art Award
As all the children last year completed the work for their Arts Award Discover, his year we will be working towards their second level, Arts Award Explore.
To achieve their Arts Award Explore, the children take on challenges in different art forms, participate in arts activities, experience arts events, get inspired by artists and share their arts skills with others.
There will be some work to complete at home as part of their home work. All children that complete all the work will have their work put forward to be assessed by a moderator from Trinity College in London who will come to the school to assess the work. The children who have achieved the standard will be entitled to an Arts Award Explore certificate from Trinity College, London.
The school has provided log books for all the children but the cost of the final certificate is £13:00. I will send out more details about this toward the end of the half term.
Sport Lessons
Now we are all back at school our sports lessons will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please send your children's sports clothes to school on Monday for the week. They will be brought home for cleaning on Friday.
Please make sure that you bring a water bottle with you and that you are all wearing your school uniform.
Snacks to be eaten at break-time are fresh or dried fruit or vegetables.
What are we studying this term?
Our first English unt is Instruction Texts writing in which we will be reading and writing instructions. We will study a text together before the children have a go at writing their own instructions based on our class book The Green Ship.
In addition to our weekly spellings, children need to spend time developing their own spelling by selecting 5 new words from their word list to practice and learn. Children can also practice their spellings using the Spelling Frame website.
We will continue to follow the White Rose scheme for maths lessons.This term we are studying place value.
All our maths lessons will be using concrete representations to support the children's understanding of the concepts.
Key Vocabulary
If you would like any information on the type of maths processes we use at Bewick Bridge please ensure that you look at the school calculation policy.
Bewick Bridge Calculation policy
Our science topic is Living Things and Their Habitats.
The following is a list of key vocabulary you will need for the topic.
Online safety
Our first topic in the term is Egyptian and the river Nile.
In this unit our key enquiry question is:
A key fact sheet will be sent home which covers the key vocabulary for the unit and key dates, people and legacy.
Home learning
Home learning project
The second project this term is to prepare an Art Walk to show the different forms of art in your neighbourhood. The work is due on the 17th of May.
Google Classroom
I will continue to send work home during the lock down using Google Classroom. It is essential that your child knows their google name and password and regularly completes the work set on the site.
Children need to be regularly reading and also practising their maths with TTRock Stars.
I will set daily English and maths tasks as well as setting some science and topic each week. It is important that your child checks and completes the work every day.
If your child has difficulties accessing a computer please let me know. so I can find a way to support them.
Reading every day is the most important part of learning at home. Please continue to log each book you read at home by filling in the grid on Google Classroom.
It is often difficult for parents to decide which books to buy for their children. To help you we have added a list of recommended books below.
At the beginning of this half term the children in year 4 will all have a multiplication assessment. It is important for children in Goldcrest class, to practise their times tables on TTRockstars for 10 minutes every day. to improve their accuracy and speed.
Sumdog is a great way for children to enjoy practising their maths. There are games and activities all focusing on the year 4 maths curriculum. I have sent all the children their login details but please contact me if they are having difficulty logging in.
In year 4 children are being taught the following grammatical terms and their uses. They will be regularly quizzed on them to check they understand and are able to use them all
fronted adverbial, adverbial, repetition, determiner (interrogative, article, possessive, quantifiers and demonstratives), standard English form, pronoun and possessive pronoun
How Is Spelling Taught in Year 4?
In year 4, spelling work follows a set list (often referred to as ‘statutory spellings’) which I have added below.
In year 4, children learn to place possessive apostrophes correctly; they need to be placed accurately in words with regular plurals (e.g. girls’, boys’) and in words with irregular plurals (e.g. children’s).
Children in year 4 should be able to spell all the words on the year 3 and 4 list.

Recommended Reading Books for Year 4
Books are perfect presents but it is often difficult for parents to decide which books to buy for their children. To help you we have added a list of recommended books below.
Harry Potter Series - J.K. Rowling
The Demon Headmaster - Gillian Cross
A Caribbean Dozen - John Agard & Grace Nicholls
Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters - John Steptoe
Beowolf - Kevin Crossley-Holland
The Dragon's Child - Jenny Nimmo
The Ghost Blades - Anthony Masters
Sara, Plain and Tall - Patricia MacLachlan Smart Girls - Robert Leeson
Brother Eagle, Sister Sky - Susan Jeffers & Chief Seattle
Robi Dobi - Madhur Jaffrey
The Reluctant Dragon - Kenneth Grahame
Flow - Pippa Goodhart
Dragon Poems - John Foster & Korky Paul
The Crazy Shoe Shuffle - Gillian Cross
The Sea Piper - Helen Cresswell
The Chocolate Touch - Patrick Skene
Catling Spacebaby - Henrietta Branford
A Pot of Gold - Jill Bennett
Fog Hounds Wind Cat Sea Mice - Joan Aiken
The Clothes Horse - Allan Ahlberg
It Was A Dark and Stormy Night - Allan Ahlberg
Max and the Millions - Ross Montgomery
The Children of Green Knowe- Lucy Boston
The Accidental Prime Minister - Tony Mclaughlin
When the Mountains Roared - Jess Butterworth
How to Help a Hedgehog and Protect a Polar Bear - Jess French
Survivors - David Long and Kerry Hyndman
Terrible True Tales from the Tower of London - Sarah Kilby and Peter Cottril
100 things to know about Science - Usborne

Key Instant Recall Facts: Year 4 Autumn
I know my number bonds to 100
By the end of the Autumn half term the children in year 4 should know the following facts. The aim is to recall these facts instantly.
Some examples:
60 + 40 = 100
40 + 60 = 100
100 – 40 = 60
100 – 60 = 40
75 + 25 = 100
25 + 75 = 100
100 – 25 = 75
100 – 75 = 25
37 + 63 = 100
63 + 37 = 100
100 – 63 = 37
100 – 37 = 63
48 + 52 = 100
52 + 48 = 100
100 – 52 = 48
100 – 48 = 52
Key Vocabulary
What do I add to 65 to make 100?
What is 100 take away 6?
What is 13 less than 100?
How many more than 98 is 100?
What is the difference between 89 and 100?
Year 4 children should be able to answer these questions in any order, including missing number questions e.g. 3 + ? ⃝= 5 or 4 - ? ⃝ = 2.
Top Tips
The secret to success is practising little and often. Use time wisely. Can you practise these KIRFs while walking to school or during a car journey? You don’t need to practise them all at once: perhaps you could have a fact of the day. If you would like more ideas, please speak to your child’s teacher.
Buy one get three free - If your child knows one fact (e.g. 8 + 5 = 13), can they tell you the other three facts in the same fact family?
Use number bonds to 10 - How can number bonds to 10 help you work out number bonds to 100?
Play games – There are missing number questions at www.conkermaths.com . See how many questions you can answer in just 90 seconds. There is also a number bond pair game to play.
Overview of the White Rose maths units we will be studying this year.
Online Resources :
BBC Bitesize daily lessons - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/tags/z63tt39/year-4-and-p5-lessons
Sumdog - https://www.sumdog.com/user/sign_in
Diagnostic questions - https://diagnosticquestions.com/Account/Login
TTRockstars - https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth/school
The World of David Walliams - https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/elevenses/
Go Noodle - https://www.gonoodle.com/
BBC key board skills lessons https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zf2f9j6/articles/z3c6tfr